Diploma In Fashion Designing


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Diploma In Fashion Designing is designed by GIMS  which is one year diploma in Fashion Designing  program in Fashion Designing is to impart a dashing career where one can procure due credits for style and creativity. Fashion designing is fast becoming a serious profession even within the conventional domains in the country filliped by the extension of the mass media. Fashion Designers have their own creative style of dressing and believe in setting trends rather than following trends by others. If colors, textures and images turn you on, its about time to pick up that drawing board and let your imagination flow! If one is creative and artistic enough to add some style to otherwise cognate items, one can take up a career in fashion designing. The major functional areas in the industry are designing, merchandising, popularizing and marketing of the various styles and products.

Specific Objectives Include In DIPLOMA IN FASHION DESIGNING :

  • Imparting professional fashion education
  • Conceptualising and integrating information technology and fashion design
  • Modernising and upgrading industry practices and promoting fashion as a professional career
  • Formulating design concepts those are appropriate, functional and aesthetic

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