M.A. English

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Master of Arts in English

Min. Eligibility: Graduate (any field)

Duration: 2 yrs

The MA degree in English will provide students with the theoretical and practical tools involved in advanced literary studies in English. Graduates of the MA program will be prepared for a variety of professions that value strong communication skills and a facility in writing and textual analysis—such as education, journalism, professional writing, publishing, law, consulting, or marketing—or for PhD research.

Why to choose M.A. English ?

The MA will emphasize a breadth of knowledge in the form of course work, and also encourage students to produce original, publishable research. Our mission is to train students to be successful scholars, who are capable of contributing to important literary and cultural knowledge, both within our field and within the culture at-large, and of disseminating their skills and knowledge widely.

What will I gain from this programme ?

MA in English offers graduate studies in English within a stimulating and flexible environment, with the opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary work. Courses in English and interdisciplinary approaches, historical periods and movements, genre, author studies, national and international literatures, and diversity facilitate a range of focuses and options as well as the potential for exciting intersections with.

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